Promoting Natural Spaces
Parks and Gardens Agency in Ile-de-France (AEV)
Walk the Forest , 2015
In order to be able to take the full measure of one of the Agency’s largest natural sites, the Forest of Ferrières, we set up, in collaboration with the artist Maïda Chavak and Pascal Lebrun-Cordier’s Master Projets culturels dans l’espace public (Masters degree in Cultural Projects in Public Spaces), an observation study entitled Arpenter la forêt (Walk the Forest).
Over the course of several workshops, Masters students first explored the forest and then conceived five activities that would encourage others also to explore the forest in an active fashion. These activities took different artistic forms, all nourished by Maïda’s creative approach (games, maps, audio guides). They were then presented to the entire AEV team in order to evaluate the experiment and its results.